CATIL® Talent Framework
In striving to create a holistic talent management process, CATIL® are bespoke competency-based solutions.
The Six Dimension Talent Framework that CATIL sits within gives users a comprehensive roadmap that helps steer their most important people decisions with objectivity and scientific insight.

Motivational drives
Personality Assets are traits of unique behaviors and motivational drives an individual naturally displays. Those drives and behaviors are habitual and consistent over time as they are formed during early childhood and have an impact on job performance. Complemented by Predictive Index® Behavioral Assessment to give additional scientific data.
Learning ability
Learning ability allows to determine the learning pace and the ability to learn, reason, plan, solve problems, absorb, process complex information and adapt to changing priorities. Complemented by Predictive Index® Cognitive Assessment.
Culture & Values
Company culture is a set of characteristics which describe a business. This entails what is valued, believed and important, how things are approached and what is expected, how decisions are made or how things are celebrated and rewarded. Complemented by CATIL Value questionnaire.
A Behavioral Competency describes the behaviors displayed and actions taken by the person to perform successfully in the given position. This defines how the person approaches and responds to the position requirements. It is observable, measurable and related to the performance expectation of the function and management level.
A Skill is the know-how to perform a particular task. It means the proficiency, ability or dexterity acquired or developed through training or experience. It implies one’s demonstrated practices and aptitude in performing certain tasks.
Knowledge is facts and information acquired by a person through experience or education that enables the understanding of a situation/task. It is the theoretical or practical understanding of a particular subject matter. It is the awareness or familiarity gained through experience of a fact or situation.
The Talent Framework is a revolution in how simple it is, while it includes a century of research, multiple models, tools and assessments processes.
What's inside
Discover in this whitepaper how you can leverage the Talent Framework as a talent assessment system for your company that defines the most important criteria for any position, at any level, in any function of any industry.
Learn more about:
- What the CATIL Talent Framework is and how it can benefit your company.
- The most critical factors to any given position.
- The keys of the methodology for objective talent assessment.